Computing Minimal Equal Sums Of Like Powers

27th November 1999: Euler2000 beta 2 (6,2,5) using Resta's algorithm has started (Resta's algorithm status)
17th July 1999: Sum99 version 3.3c (go to the download page)
13th June 1999: 5 5's search has started (5 5's progress status)

This project is dedicated to all those who are fascinated by powers and integers.

In the following, k, m, n and every term ai, bj always denote positive integers.
For given k and m, this page summarizes all the known minimal solutions for n of the equation:

a1k+ a2k+ ... + amk = b1k+ b2k+ ... + bnk
a1 >= a2 >= ... >= am
b1 >= b2>= ... >= bn
a1 > 1
a1 > b1
for example:
236+ 156+ 106= 226+ 196+ 36
141325+ 2205 = 140685+ 62375+ 50275

Lander, Parkin and Selfridge conjectured in 1966 that:

for every k > 3, m + n >= k

Given the power k and the left number of terms m, we are trying to lower the known right number of terms n.
You can find more informations on the detailed page .
If you want to participate, go to the download page .
You can check the project status here.
Here are the newsletter 1, newsletter 2

27th January 2000: New home page: !
26th January 2000: Using the newest beta 9, Nuutti Kuosa found (10,2,12) in 2 hours !
25th January 2000: Euler2000 beta 9 is now available, and since ALL Resta's programs are here, client/server is now the priority !
4th January 2000: Euler2000 beta 7 is currently in test and a lot of new solutions have already been found !
Check this page for more results
Also, here are two new links, the first one is my software company Quantic Dream and the second one is from a participant: (very nice name)
1th January 2000: Happy new year to everybody ! And yes, this is our first birthday ! The project started one year ago.
Thanks to your work, we already found some great results, and 2000 will see more results. Thanks !
30th November: Larry Hays found a new solution to (6,2,5):
27th November: Corrected some bugs in Euler2000 beta 2.
NEW ! (6,2,5) search has started ! A new solution to (6,2,5) has already been found by Larry Hays and Tommy Nolan !
66236+3236 = 66156+29126+6426+4346+3636
22th November: Corrected some bugs in Euler2000 beta 1.
21th November: The updates are less frequent, since I'm working onto Euler2000.
You can download the beta if you want to check the differences.
(6,2,5) Resta's implementation -slightly improved- now added, new AVL algorithm very soon.
7th November: Nuutti Kuosa found a new solution to (7,4,4):
6th November 1999: Two highly recommended links: (D. J. Bernstein) (Chen Shuwen)
2nd November 1999: Kevin O'Hare found (13,1,36):
1st November 1999: Check the beautiful article of Roger E. Frye how he discovered (4,1,3) in 1988. Very instructive !
 Finding 95800^4 + 217519^4 + 414560^4 = 422481^4 (on the site, courtesy of R. Frye)

Older results can be found here


k\m  10  11  12  13  14 
12  10                   
10  14  12  13 12  13                 
11  16  16  14  14  13  10  9          
12  26  27  28  22  23  18  17  17           
13  36  37  38  39  31  32  28  25  22  22  11  12     
14  40   41  42  43  44  40  38  28  29  30  21  22  22  14 
15  46  42  43  44  45  45  44  45  46  38  39  40  38  39 
16  77  76  77  78  79  80  81  82  83  84  80  81  47  48 
17  71  72  73  74  75  76  77  78  79  80  81  82  83  84 
18  96  97  98  99  100  101  85  86  86  87  88  89  90  91
19  119  120  121  122  123  124  125  106  107 108  109  110  111  112 
20  167                           
21  240                          253 
22  300                           
23  447  420                         
24  485                           
25  871                           
26  1376                           
27  1471                           


power (k)
number of left terms (m)
number of right terms (n), unexplored
number of right terms (n), known lower bound
number of right terms (n), best lower bound currently known
number of right terms (n), best lower bound conjectured
number of right terms (n), best lower bound proved
number of right terms (n) that doesn't need to be explored


The following remarkable results were found by this project:

(6,2,5) 11176+7706=10926+8616+6026+2126+846 (Edward Brisse and Giovanni Resta, 04/20/1999)
(6,2,5) 66236+3236=66156+29126+6426+4346+3636 (Larry Hays and Tommy Nolan, 11/27/1999)
(6,2,5) 201116+150596=188796+156806+148546+138126+24996 (Larry Hays, 11/30/1999)
(7,1,7) 5687=5257+4397+4307+4137+2667+2587+1277 (Mark Dodrill, 03/20/1999)
(7,4,4) 3437+2817+467+357=3547+1127+527+197 (Michael Lau, 05/12/1999)
(7,4,4) 5547+4127+3657+1467=5367+4397+4377+657 (Nuutti Kuosa, 09/05/1999)
(9,2,10) 1379+699=1219+1169*2+1159+899+529+289+269+149+99 (Luigi Morelli, 03/12/1999)
(10,1,14) 12010=11510+10410+9110+8010*2+7410+6310+5510+4010+3510+3310+1310+1010+510 (Torbjörn Alm, 10/14/1999)
(10,2,12) 11210+9910=10910+10310+8310+7910+7210+5910+5910+5210+2010+1510+510+510 (Nuutti Kuosa, 01/26/2000)
(10,4,12) 5310+4410*2+2210=5110+4910+4310+3910+2910+2810+1710*2+1610+1310+710+410 (Eric Bainville)
(10,6,6) 15110+14010+12710+8610+6110+2210=14810+14610+12110+9410+4710+3510 (Nuutti Kuosa, 09/03/1999)
(11,1,16) 7811=7111+6911+6611+6411+6311+5211+4711+4311+2911+2311*2+2211+1411+1211+711+111 (Luigi Morelli, 07/20/1999)
(11,2,16) 6911+511=6111+6011+5911*2+5511*2+4211+3311*2+2311+1911+1111+1011+911+611+111 (Luigi Morelli, 07/27/1999)
(11,3,14) 7211+5611+1211=6911+6611+5311+4911+4311+3411*2+2011+911*2+811+411*2+211 (Nuutti Kuosa, 09/12/1999)
(11,5,13) 5211+3011+2611+2411+1611=5011+4711+3611+3311+2511+2011+1811+1211+1111+811*2+711+511 (Nuutti Kuosa, 08/31/1999)
(11,6,10) 4611+3911+3711+2211+411*2=4311*2+4111+3111+2811+2611+2311+1811+1611+1511 (Nuutti Kuosa, 08/31/1999)
(11,7,9) 4811+2811+2011+1511*2+1411+111=4411+4311+4211+3611*2+3011+2211+1711+311 (Nuutti Kuosa, 09/20/1999)
(11,8,8) 6711+5211+5111*2+3911+3811+3511+2711=6611+6011+4711+3611+3211+3011+1611+711 (Nuutti Kuosa, 08/09/1999)
(12,9,9) 4312+3312+3112+2312+2012+1612*2+1212+612=4112+4012+3212+3012*3+2912+512*2 (Nuutti Kuosa, 08/12/1999)
(13,1,36) 99013=98913+70913+42313+30513+22513+15713+11913+9813+7313+5213+4513+3713*2+3613*2+3113+3013+2813+2713+2513+2413*4+2213*2+2013+1613+1513*2+913+713*2+313*3 (Kevin O'Hare, 11/02/1999)
(13,5,31) 332713+11513+4713+3213+2713=329113+284013+218013+132313+64413+44313+30313+21113+15713+8813+6513+3813+2013+1513+1413+1213*2+1013*2+913*2+613*3+513*2+413*3+213*2 (Joe Crump, 10/20/1999)
(13,7,28) 7713+7413+6113+3313+2813+2613+2213=8013+4613+3913+1613*2+1313+1013+913+813*3+613+513*3+413*8+313*5 (Joe Crump, 10/03/1999)
(13,8,25) 25613+20013+18913+7513+6013+3713+3213+2113=25713+17613+12513+10013+4713+2713+2413+1713+1513*2+1113+1013+713+613+513*2+313*5+213*4 (Joe Crump, 10/05/1999)
(13,9,22) 555613+36613+26313+19213+14113+3313+1513+1313+1013=541613+489813+460913+229013+134713+84313+54213+9613+4713+4013+2613+2213+2013+1213+813+613*2+313+213*4 (Joe Crump, 10/09/1999)
(13,10,22) 171713+97113+57913+5713+2413+2213+1613+413+313+113=160013+150813+160513+40413+28813+19313+13713+10813+6913+4613+3913+3313+1913+1413+1313+1113+913+813+613*3+213 (Joe Crump, 10/08/1999)
(13,11,11) 3113+2713+2313*2+2113+1913+1013*3+613*2=2913*2+2813+2513+2413+2213+1513+513*2+313+113 (Nuutti Kuosa, 06/07/1999)
(14,1,40) 3814=3514*2+3114*4+3014*2+2914+2814+2614*4+2514*2+2214+2114*2+2014+1814*2+1714+1414*2+1314*3+1214*2+914+814+414*7+214 (Frank Clowes, 10/20/1999)
(14,9,31) 96514+85614+82314+58214+37314+20714+15914+8914+6814=98314+27714+5414+3214+2314+1514+1414+1314+1214+1014+914*4+614*3+414+314*12+114 (Joe Crump, 09/29/1999)
(14,11,21) 105314+88514+72814+70714+13214+9714+2714+2514+2014+1614+1414=106014+49714+33714+24614+18614+6814+5714+4514+3314+2214+1814+914*2+714+414+314*6 (Joe Crump, 10/14/1999)
(14,14,14) 2514+2014*4+1914*2+1814*2+1214+914+814*2+114=2414+2214*4+1614*2+1514*3+1114*2+214*2 (Kevin O'Hare, 07/14/1999)
(16,24,25) 1391716+527816+294916+92616+63916+22016+16516+11216+5716+3316+2416+2016+1916+1816+1516*2+1316+1216*3+1016+216*2+116=1391116+1017616+817316+196716+130116+42416+27816+13416+9216+7616+4216+2916+1716+716*3+616*5+516*2+416*2 (Joe Crump, 10/03/1999)
(17,1,71) 3017=2817*2+2617+2517*6+2217+2117*5+2017*2+1917*8+1717*8+1617*3+1517*4+1417*5+1317*4+1117*8+717+617+517+417+317*4+217*5+117 (Larry Hays, 10/21/1999)
(19,8,106) 114019+63219+15419+13219+11419+5619+5019+1519=110619+79119+109119+83219+48619+39519+28819+24019+20019+8419+7119+6419+4519+3019+2719+2419+2119+2019+1919+1819+1319+1219+1119*5+919*2+719*6+619*3+519*19+419*40+319+219*7+119 (Joe Crump, 10/21/1999)

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Last update: 27th January 2000